Lifelong Professional Development in Healthcare

The American Association of
International Healthcare Professionals

What We Do and Who We Are

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"Leaders never stop learning."
– Anonymous

What We Do

The American Association of International Healthcare Professionals advocates for excellence in US healthcare as a product of professional development both…

  • Throughout each professional's entire career
  • Across the entire spectrum of healthcare professionals

In support of these objectives, AAIHCP advocates for…

  • Externships and Internships
  • Professional Certifications
  • Continuing Professional Education
  • International Credential Verification

We also encourage networking amongst members as a tool for collegiality and professional development.

The American Association of International Healthcare Professionals, Inc, is a nonprofit organization recognized as a 501(c)(3) public charity by the US Internal Revenue Service.

Leadership Team

Board of Directors
Ravi Draksharam MD

Ravi Draksharam, MD

Founder and Chairman

Dr Draksharam has spent the last 20+ years cultivating professional relationships in healthcare education and advising healthcare students and physicians on education and career pathways.

Jose Miguel Carranza MD

José Miguel Carranza, MD


Dr Carranza practices Internal Medicine in Lufkin, Texas.  Being originally from Peru, he has personal experience with the challenges facing international medical graduates wanting to practice in the US.

Duane P Hill PhD

Duane P Hill, PhD

Managing Director

Dr Hill has worked as an educator and as an education administrator for over 30 years.  He is also a sought-after advisor of both US and international healthcare students.

Advisory Council
Paul F Weeks MD PhD

Paul F Weeks, MD, PhD

Regent Advisor

Dr Weeks dedicated his career to healthcare and advancing healthcare excellence.  In 1987, he founded the American Board of Surgical Assistants, a nationally-recognized credentialing organization.